MARCH 13-15, 2015

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This event brings together top photography editors, publishers, curators, gallerists, and educators representing small, mid-sized, and major venues from around the U.S. and abroad to meet with engaged photographers, review their portfolios, encourage their careers and exchange opportunities.  

A fantastic opportunity to show your photographs to professionals who publish, exhibit, write and teach.

Get new ideas, make connections, and find opportunities.

Held at the San Francisco Art Institute.                                                   

To guarantee a high quality experience, the work is pre-screened and the number of participants limited.

During the weekend of March 13-15, 2015, the selected photographers will each have ten, twenty-minute sessions with different reviewers over the course of two days, with ample opportunity for further networking.

The weekend’s activities include a Friday evening lecture open to the general public.

The deadline to submit work for consideration is March 1, 2015. Space is filling fast so act now as we fill on a first-come basis.

Initial application fee: $45.00 for up to 20 images for screening.

If selected, additional fee: $595.00 for full participation to meet with ten reviewers.

(payment plans available)  


Confirmed Reviewers Include:

Robert Aufuldish, Book Designer, Aufuldish & Warinner & Professor, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA

Jacqueline BatesPhotography Director, The California Sunday Magazine, San Francisco, CA

David Bayles, Artist, Educator, Author, Eugene, OR

Steven Brock, Photographer and book artist, San Francisco, CA

Debra Bloomfield, Educator and Photographer, San Francisco Art Institute, SF, CA

Alessandra Capodacqua, Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Florence, Italy 

Linda Connor, Photographer & Educator, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA

Elizaberth Corden, Owner, Corden Potts Gallery, San Francisco

Janet Delaney, Educator and Photographer, UC Berkeley and San Francisco Art Institute, SF, CA

Taj Forer, Founding Editor, Daylight Magazine, Hillsborough, NC

Genevieve Fussell, Associate Photo Editor, The New Yorker, New York, NY

Geoffrey Hiller, Photographer & Editor, Verve Photo, Portland, Oregon

Ann M. Jastrab, Gallery Director RayKo Photo Center

Anne Kelly, Associate Gallery Director, PhotoEye Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Paula Kupfer, Managing Editor, Aperture Magazine, New York, New York

Ken Light, Director, Center for Photography, Adjunct Professor U.C. Berkeley

Noah Lang, Gallery Director, Electric Works, San Francisco, CA

Melanie Light, Writer, Publisher, Editor, Orinda, CA

Michelle Dunn Marsh, Executive Director Photographic Center Northwest, founder of Minor Matters, Seattle, WA

Christopher McCall, Director, Pilara Foundation, Pier 24, San Francisco

Ramekon O'Arwisters, Curator of Exhibitions San Francisco Airport Museums, SF, CA

Ted Orland, Artist, Educator, Author, Santa Cruz, CA

Jan Potts, Owner, Corden Potts Gallery, San Francisco, CA

Alex Ramos, Gallery Director, Leica Store & Gallery, San Francisco, CA

Kirsten Rian, Independent Curator, Writer, Artist, Portland, Oregon

Meghann Riepenhoff, Artist & Educator, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco,CA

Laura Sackett, Creative Director, LensCulture, San Francisco, CA

Jennifer Pritheeva Samuel, Photographer and filmmaker, Brooklyn, NY

Danny Sanchez, Gallery Manager, Modernbook Gallery, San Francisco, CA

Thom Sempere, Director, PhotoAlliance, San Francisco, CA

Lily Siegel, Associate Curator, Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, CA

David Spalding, Director, Haines Gallery, San Francisco, CA

Heather Snider, Executive Director, SF Camerawork, San Francisco, CA

Ada Takahashi, Robert Koch Gallery, San Francisco

Anne Veh, Art Consultant & Independent Curator, San Francisco

Judy Walgren, Director of Photography, San Francisco Chronicle, SF, CA

Lewis Watts, Photographer  and Educator, UC Santa Cruz, Emeriti

Alex Webb, Photographer, Magnum Photos, Brooklyn, New York

Rebecca Norris Webb, Photographer, Brooklyn, New York


or call: 415.425.5608

Photos from 2014 review:

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